Remote Mediasoup server CLI

Remote Mediasoup server CLI


Mediasoup as a Service

This CLI tool starts a WebSocket server to offer access to a Mediasoup instance, to be able to use it remotely in combination of Remote Mediasoup client.

CLI usage

Options can be provided both as CLI arguments or as environment variables.

  • [announcedIp]: optional string, IP address to announce to the clients. If not provided, the server will try to guess it.
  • [listenIps]: optional array of strings, IP addresses to listen to. Default [], which means no globally provided local listen IPs (only the ones provided to the Mediasoup Router.createWebRtcTransport() method).
  • [sendFullErrors]: optional boolean, whether to send full error objects to the client. Default false.

You can gracefully stop the server with Ctrl+C or Ctrl+D (SIGINT and SIGTERM signals).


Module exports a single function with signature async function(mediasoup, {closeOwnWorkers, ...options} = {}):

  • mediasoup: object with same API than exported by Mediasoup package.
  • [options]: obtional options bag
    • [argv]: obtional array of strings, arguments to parse. Same ones of the CLI usage, including leading dashes on keys, and being key and value in two strings or a single one if joined with =. Default process.argv.
    • [closeOwnWorkers]: optional boolean, whether to close the workers created by this module when the server is closed. Default false, when using CLI set unconditionally to true.
    • [env]: obtional object, environment variables to use. Default process.env.