Remote Mediasoup server

Remote Mediasoup server


Remote proxies to Mediasoup classes


  • [announcedIp]: optional string, IP address to announce to the clients. If not provided, the server will try to guess it.
  • [appDataManager]: optional instance of AppDataManager class, to be used to store and retrieve data from the app. Default new AppDataManager().
  • [extraConnectionPayload]: optional function, return value will be added to the connection payload sent to the client. Default () => ({}).
  • [extraMethodsFactory]: optional function with function sendNotification(method, ...args) as single argument, return value will be added to the methods object sent to the client. Default () => ({}).
  • [listenIps]: optional array of strings, IP addresses to listen to. Default [], which means no globally provided local listen IPs (only createWebRtcTransport() provided ones).
  • [sendFullErrors]: optional boolean, whether to send full error objects to the client. Default false.