

Massively scalable Mediasoup-based SFU

Mafalda is a wrapper on top of Mediasoup SFU focused on provide an easier API by managing itself all the performance and scalability issues by default, including multi-machine clustering.

Name of the project has been taken as a tribute to Mafalda, the character created by Joaquín Salvador Lavado Tejón ‘Quino’, that has a love-hate relationship with both mass media and soup ;-)

It’s designed having in mind high scale one-to-many WebRTC-based videoconferences, but it’s possible to use it with any kind of WebRTC-based application including many-to-many videocalls, specially when they are designed as many one-to-many ones.


  • 100% acceptance tests code coverage for both lines, branches statements and functions
  • Optimiced resources consumption on half-used machines
  • Simple to use API following Mediasoup API design
  • Fully automated vertical and horizontal scaling, in a transparent and seamless way for both users and developers


npm install --save mafalda*.tgz

Mafalda is a wrapper on top of Mediasoup, so you need to install a Mediasoup API compatible module and provide it to Mafalda, but you should not use both Mafalda and Mediasoup at the same time, since that could by-pass the Mediasoup Workers and Routers management that Mafalda does internally (in addition to some security checks and meassurements), making Mafalda itself mostly useless. Mafalda already exports all the Mediasoup object collections and functions that you may need, if any.


API it’s influced by Mediasoup one, so it’s easy to migrate your project to use Mafalda instead.

Common API

By design, multiple methods and properties are exported by both mafalda module and by Mafalda and MafaldaRouter instances, with the same signature and functionality, just only focused on their own usage scope (mafalda module about global info and objects, and Mafalda and MafaldaRouter instances only about the objects created and managed by them). This is done this way to make it easier to work with Mafalda, specially when fetching statistics.

  • routers: Map object collection of the Mediasoup Router instances. Keys are the ids of the routers, and values are the routers instances themselves.

  • rtpObservers: Map object collection of the Mediasoup RtpObserverss instances. Keys are the ids of the rtpObservers, and values are the rtpObservers instances themselves.

  • transports: Map object collection of the Mediasoup Transports instances. Keys are the ids of the transports, and values are the transports instances themselves.

  • workers: Map object collection of the Mediasoup Worker instances. Keys are the ids of the transports, and values are the transports instances themselves.

    By design, the maximum number of Worker instances can’t be greater than the number of CPUs of the server, also in case multiple instances of Mafalda are running in different processes. This is done in purposse to avoid that Mafalda instances in the different processes compete for the same resources, degrading globally the performance of all of them.

  • async getResourceUsages(): function to get the current resource usages. It returns a Promise that resolves to an object with the current resource usages of the Workers, being that the ones being used by the Mafalda or MafaldaRouter instance we are querying (that Workers can be shared by other Mafalda or MafaldaRouter instances too), or all the Workers created by this server.

  • async dump(): function to serialize the Mafalda and MafaldaRouter instances status as JSON objects, so they can be recreated later.

Global Mafalda API

Mafalda package exports a set of named exports that operate globally on all the objects created by the Mafalda instances, and that have there their equivalent ones for each particular instance:

  • mafaldaRouters: Map object collection of the MafaldaRouter instances. Keys are the ids of the routers, and values are the MafaldaRouter instances themselves.

  • async closeAllMafaldaRouters(): function to close all the MafaldaRouter instances created by this Mafalda instance.

Mafalda package API

In addition to the Global Mafalda API, Mafalda package also exports a constructor to create a new Mafalda instance, with a single mediasoup argument to set the Mediasoup API compatible module to be used. It also exports the next names exports:

  • mafaldaRouterDefaultOptions: object with the default options for MafaldaRouters.

Mafalda API

In addition to the Global Mafalda API, Mafalda class exposes the following API:

  • mediasoup: Mediasoup API compatible object used by this Mafalda instance.

  • createMafaldaRouter(options): function to create a new MafaldaRouter.

    Options are:

    • id: String unique identifier of the MafaldaRouter instance. By default it will create an UUIDv4 string.

    • maxWorkers: max number of Worker instances that can be created by this MafaldaRouter instance. By default, it’s the number of CPUs of the server. Setting it to 0 means that the MafaldaRouter instance will not create any.

    • routerOptions: Object with the Mediasoup Router options.

    • watermarkWorker: CPU percentage limit of the Worker instances when it will try to create a new one. By default, it’s 60.

    • workerSettings: Object with the Mediasoup Worker options.

MafaldaRouter API

MafaldaRouter is the class that manage the Mediasoup Router instances. It provides an API that is similar to the Mediasoup Routers one, but internally manage the creation of Mediasoup Worker and Router instances, allowing to transparently by-pass the limit of the number of Consumers that can be used in a single CPU. They can only be created by using the mafalda.createMafaldaRouter() function.

In addition to the Mafalda Common API, MafaldaRouter objects has the following properties and methods:

  • closed: Boolean indicating if the MafaldaRouter instance has been closed

  • id: String unique identifier of the MafaldaRouter instance

  • async canConsume(options): function to check if the MafaldaRouter instance can consume the given RTP capabilities. Options are the same of Mediasoup Router.canConsume() method.

  • async close(): function to close the MafaldaRouter instance.

  • async createActiveSpeakerObserver(options): function to create a new Mediasoup ActiveSpeakerObserver. Options are the same of Mediasoup Router.createActiveSpeakerObserver method.

  • async createAudioLevelObserver(options): function to create a new Mediasoup AudioLevelObserver. Options are the same of Mediasoup Router.createAudioLevelObserver method.

  • async createDirectTransport(options): function to create a new Mediasoup DirectTransport. Options are the same of Mediasoup Router.createDirectTransport method.

  • async createPipeTransport(options): function to create a new Mediasoup PipeTransport. Options are the same of Mediasoup Router.createPipeTransport method.

  • async createPlainTransport(options): function to create a new Mediasoup PlainTransport. Options are the same of Mediasoup Router.createPlainTransport method.

  • async createWebRtcTransport(options): function to create a new Mediasoup WebRtcTransport. Options are the same of Mediasoup Router.createWebRtcTransport method.

  • async getRtpCapabilities(): function to get the RTP capabilities of the MafaldaRouter instance. These capabilities are tipically needed by Mediasoup clients to compute their sending RTP parameters. It’s equivalent to Mediasoup Router.rtpCapabilities property, only that implemented as an async method to allow to create an internal Mediasoup Router instance if we don’t have one currently available.

  • async pipeToMafaldaRouter(options): pipes the given media or data producer into another MafaldaRouter in the same host. It’s similar to Mediasoup Router.pipeToRouter, only replacing the router option for mafaldaRouter instead.

Additionally, it emit the next events:

  • close: emitted when the MafaldaRouter instance is closed.
  • error: emitted when an error occurs. Currently only used as fallback for the workerdied event.
  • newrouter: emitted when a new Mediasoup Router instance is created. Its arguments are the new Mediasoup Router instance, and the Mediasoup Worker instance where that new Mediasoup Router has been created on.
  • workerdied: emitted when an internal Mediasoup Worker dies. This should never happen, and if so, it’s considered a Mediasoup bug that should be reported following the instructions provided at