Mafalda SFU allows to create and manage video room sessions with thousands of participants over multiple servers, in a transparent way for both users and developers, without needing to change the application logic of current applications, and with the only limit of the provided hardware resources.

Software development, code

Same API of Mediasoup

There’s no need to learn something new, usage of Mafalda SFU is transparent for both developers and applications code. You can create a new media streaming app from scratch or migrate your current Mediasoup-based one and scale them in minutes, instead of months

Network, self management

Fully self-managed, transparent to developers

Mafalda SFU automatically interconnect and manage scalability of Mediasoup Workers and Routers, also even located on different servers or World regions. Just focus on your application logic, and let Mafalda SFU take care of the rest

Motherboard, performance

Designed for performance

Fully parallel and asynchronous, it’s designed to reduce the usage of each server resources, and optimize the needed instances to the minimum

Source code bugs, code quality, errors management

Security oriented

Implemented to be robust and resilient, Mafalda SFU projects follows strict code quality standards and security measurements for all projects, with more than 90% code coverage in almost all of them, minimal API attack surface, using encrypted communications, or having an exhaustive errors management, between other security protections and resilience measurements

Ham radio, modularity

Modular and combinable

Same orthogonal API for all Mafalda SFU modules inspired by Mediasoup design, makes it easy to upgrade and combine between them in multiple ways, allowing them to easily evolve if your architecture or needs changes

Investment, adjusted expenses

Prices adapted to your needs

Mafalda SFU modular and interconnectable design allows it to adapt itself to your needs and budged and provide you a price adjusted to your specific use case, and being able to evolve over time with your future requirements

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Team trusted by

Dyte Fermax Drip Engageli